Wednesday, October 31, 2007


There comes a time in life when you suddenly stop doing something you've been doing all along and ask yourself, 'why'?

Why were you doing that 'something'? Did you ever know why you were doing it, and just happened to forget the reason somewhere down (or up) the line? Or is it that you never knew why you were doing it and were doing so just because you were meant to do it?

And more importantly, why did this 'why' pop up at this/ that particular time? Why did it take you this long to ask yourself 'why' you were doing it? What if this 'why' had popped up long before it first did - would you have reacted differently? Would this 'why' bring out different responses from you, if it were asked at different stages in your life? In that case, 'why' is the response to this 'why' so inconsistent? Or is it because we have to respond to it that we keep supressing this 'why'? And why do we not want to respond - are we afraid that in responding to this 'why', we would throw things out of order?


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